Commit a1f4bafd authored by  tawada's avatar tawada

optimize blank block

parent 6773ea6a
......@@ -206,15 +206,222 @@ def print_cnf(nodes, cnfs, filename='p.txt'):
def print_cnf2(nodes, cnfs, filename='p.txt'):
num = len(nodes)
s = []
s.append(f'p cnf {num} {len(cnfs)}\n')
s.append(f'p cnf {len(nodes)} {len(cnfs)}\n')
for cnf in cnfs:
cnf = [str(i) for i in cnf]
s.append((' '.join(cnf))+' 0\n')
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
def _get_map_b(Q,A):
map_b = np.zeros((A['h'], A['w']), dtype=int)
for b in range(1, Q['num_b']+1):
x = A['BLOCK'][b]['x']
y = A['BLOCK'][b]['y']
for dx,dy in Q['BLOCK'][b]['cells'].keys():
map_b[y+dy,x+dx] = b
return map_b
def optimize(Q, A):
Q, A = del_blank(Q, A)
num_b = Q['num_b']
num_l = Q['num_l']
map_l = A['map']
h, w = map_l.shape
map_b = _get_map_b(Q,A)
# 左に動かす
while True:
updated = False
for b in range(1,num_b+1):
cells = Q['BLOCK'][b]['cells']
x, y = A['BLOCK'][b]['x'], A['BLOCK'][b]['y']
canMove = True
for dx,dy in cells.keys():
if cells[(dx,dy)] != '+':
# とりあえず配線のあるブロックは動かさない
canMove = False
if x+dx-1 < 0:
canMove = False
if map_b[y+dy,x+dx-1] != 0 and map_b[y+dy,x+dx-1] != b:
canMove = False
if map_l[y+dy,x+dx-1] != 0:
canMove = False
if not canMove:
# 左に動かせる!
A['BLOCK'][b]['x'] = x-1
for dx,dy in cells.keys():
map_b[y+dy,x+dx] = 0
for dx,dy in cells.keys():
map_b[y+dy,x+dx-1] = b
updated = True
if not updated:
Q, A = del_blank(Q, A)
map_b = _get_map_b(Q,A)
h, w = map_b.shape
# 上に動かす
while True:
updated = False
for b in range(1,num_b+1):
cells = Q['BLOCK'][b]['cells']
x, y = A['BLOCK'][b]['x'], A['BLOCK'][b]['y']
canMove = True
for dx,dy in cells.keys():
if cells[(dx,dy)] != '+':
# とりあえず配線のあるブロックは動かさない
canMove = False
if y+dy-1 < 0:
canMove = False
if map_b[y+dy-1,x+dx] != 0 and map_b[y+dy-1,x+dx] != b:
canMove = False
if map_l[y+dy-1,x+dx] != 0:
canMove = False
if not canMove:
# 上に動かせる!
A['BLOCK'][b]['y'] = y-1
for dx,dy in cells.keys():
map_b[y+dy,x+dx] = 0
for dx,dy in cells.keys():
map_b[y+dy-1,x+dx] = b
updated = True
if not updated:
Q, A = del_blank(Q, A)
map_b = _get_map_b(Q,A)
h, w = map_b.shape
# 右に動かす
while True:
updated = False
for b in range(1,num_b+1):
cells = Q['BLOCK'][b]['cells']
x, y = A['BLOCK'][b]['x'], A['BLOCK'][b]['y']
canMove = True
for dx,dy in cells.keys():
if cells[(dx,dy)] != '+':
# とりあえず配線のあるブロックは動かさない
canMove = False
if x+dx+1 >= w:
canMove = False
if map_b[y+dy,x+dx+1] != 0 and map_b[y+dy,x+dx+1] != b:
canMove = False
if map_l[y+dy,x+dx+1] != 0:
canMove = False
if not canMove:
# 右に動かせる!
A['BLOCK'][b]['x'] = x+1
for dx,dy in cells.keys():
map_b[y+dy,x+dx] = 0
for dx,dy in cells.keys():
map_b[y+dy,x+dx+1] = b
updated = True
if not updated:
Q, A = del_blank(Q, A)
map_b = _get_map_b(Q,A)
h, w = map_b.shape
# 下に動かす
while True:
updated = False
for b in range(1,num_b+1):
cells = Q['BLOCK'][b]['cells']
x, y = A['BLOCK'][b]['x'], A['BLOCK'][b]['y']
canMove = True
for dx,dy in cells.keys():
if cells[(dx,dy)] != '+':
# とりあえず配線のあるブロックは動かさない
canMove = False
if y+dy+1 >= h:
canMove = False
if map_b[y+dy+1,x+dx] != 0 and map_b[y+dy+1,x+dx] != b:
canMove = False
if map_l[y+dy+1,x+dx] != 0:
canMove = False
if not canMove:
# 上に動かせる!
A['BLOCK'][b]['y'] = y+1
for dx,dy in cells.keys():
map_b[y+dy,x+dx] = 0
for dx,dy in cells.keys():
map_b[y+dy+1,x+dx] = b
updated = True
if not updated:
Q, A = del_blank(Q, A)
map_b = _get_map_b(Q,A)
h, w = map_b.shape
return A
def del_blank(Q, A):
num_b = Q['num_b']
num_l = Q['num_l']
## 最小矩形に更新
map_l = A['map']
h, w = map_l.shape
map_b = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=int)
for b in range(1, num_b+1):
x = A['BLOCK'][b]['x']
y = A['BLOCK'][b]['y']
for dx,dy in Q['BLOCK'][b]['cells'].keys():
map_b[y+dy,x+dx] = b
i = 0
while True:
if i >= h:
if (map_l[i,:] == 0).all() and (map_b[i,:] == 0).all():
map_l = np.delete(map_l, i, axis=0)
map_b = np.delete(map_b, i, axis=0)
for b in range(1, num_b+1):
if A['BLOCK'][b]['y'] > i:
A['BLOCK'][b]['y'] -= 1
h -= 1
i -= 1
i += 1
j = 0
while True:
if j >= w:
if (map_l[:,j] == 0).all() and (map_b[:,j] == 0).all():
map_l = np.delete(map_l, j, axis=1)
map_b = np.delete(map_b, j, axis=1)
for b in range(1, num_b+1):
if A['BLOCK'][b]['x'] > j:
A['BLOCK'][b]['x'] -= 1
w -= 1
j -= 1
j += 1
A['map'] = map_l
A['h'] = h
A['w'] = w
return Q, A
def read_satA(filename, Q, nodes, TF=None):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
str_line = file.readline()
......@@ -302,45 +509,7 @@ def read_satA(filename, Q, nodes, TF=None):
check_flag[c] = 1
# validation_mapが0 => 端点と接続していない => 閉路
A['map'] = A['map'] * validation_map
## 最小矩形に更新
map_l = A['map']
h, w = map_l.shape
map_b = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=int)
for b in range(1, num_b+1):
x = A['BLOCK'][b]['x']
y = A['BLOCK'][b]['y']
for dx,dy in Q['BLOCK'][b]['cells'].keys():
map_b[y+dy,x+dx] = b
i = 0
while True:
if i >= h:
if (map_l[i,:] == 0).all() and (map_b[i,:] == 0).all():
map_l = np.delete(map_l, i, axis=0)
map_b = np.delete(map_b, i, axis=0)
for b in range(1, num_b+1):
if A['BLOCK'][b]['y'] > i:
A['BLOCK'][b]['y'] -= 1
h -= 1
i -= 1
i += 1
j = 0
while True:
if j >= w:
if (map_l[:,j] == 0).all() and (map_b[:,j] == 0).all():
map_l = np.delete(map_l, j, axis=1)
map_b = np.delete(map_b, j, axis=1)
for b in range(1, num_b+1):
if A['BLOCK'][b]['x'] > j:
A['BLOCK'][b]['x'] -= 1
w -= 1
j -= 1
j += 1
A['map'] = map_l
A['h'] = h
A['w'] = w
A = optimize(Q, A)
return A
def read_satA2(filename, Q, nodes, TF=None):
......@@ -1390,15 +1559,16 @@ def main():
#Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/Q005_10X10_b7_l6.txt')
#Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/Q006_10X10_b8_l9.txt')
#Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/Q007_10X10_b7_l8.txt')
#Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/Q008_10X10_b10_l0.txt')
Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/Q008_10X10_b10_l0.txt')
#Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/Q009_10X10_b7_l9.txt')
#Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/Q010_10X10_b20_l24.txt')
#Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/Q013_10X10_b8_l9.txt')
#Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/Q014_10X10_b9_l9.txt')
#Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/Q015_10X10_b8_l9.txt')
Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/QRAND327_20X20_b20_l15.txt')
#Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/QRAND327_20X20_b20_l15.txt')
#Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/QRAND368_10X10_b10_l15.txt')
#Q = readQ('./adc2019problem/random_problem/QRAND136_30X30_b30_l30.txt')
#Q = readQ('./Q1.txt')
mode = 1
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