import datetime import glob import json import math import os import queue import re import subprocess import time import uuid class Problem(object): def __init__(self, problem_path, solution_path=None): self.path = problem_path = '' self.size = (0, 0) self.block_num = 0 self.blocks = dict() self.tile_num = 0 self.problem = '' = dict() self.partial_solutions = list() self.solution_path = solution_path self.best_solution = None self.line_numbers = list() self.connection = tuple() self.block_groups = list() self.null_blocks = list() self._load_problem(problem_path) if not self.solution_path is None: solution_files = glob.glob(f'{self.solution_path}/{}/tmp-*.json') for v in solution_files: solution = Solution(solution_file=v) solution_id = solution.get_id() print(f'I: Put a solution: {solution_id}')[solution_id] = solution @property def size_str(self): return f'{self.size[0]}X{self.size[1]}' @property def board_area(self): return self.size[0] * self.size[1] @property def filling_rate(self): if self.board_area == 0: return 0 else: return self.tile_num / self.board_area @property def problem_text(self): def intplus(v): if v.isdecimal(): return int(v) else: return v _text = '' _text += f'SIZE {self.size_str}\n' _text += f'BLOCK_NUM {self.block_num}\n' _text += '\n' for bi, block in self.blocks.items(): _text += f'BLOCK#{bi} {block["w"]}X{block["h"]}\n' for cr in block['cells']: for cci, cc in enumerate(cr): if cci > 0: _text += ',' if isinstance(cc, int) and cc > 0: cc = self.line_numbers.index(cc) _text += f'{cc}' _text += '\n' _text += '\n' return _text @property def group_problem_text(self): group_problems = list() for g in self.block_groups: problem_text = '' num_tiles = 0 line_remap_list = list() line_remap_list.append(0) block_remap_list = list() block_remap_list.append(0) block_text = '' for bi, bn in enumerate(g): block_remap_list.append(bn) b = self.blocks[bn] num_tiles += b['num_tiles'] block_text += f'BLOCK#{bi+1} {b["w"]}X{b["h"]}\n' for br in b['cells']: br_cells = list() for bc in br: if isinstance(bc, int) and bc > 0: if not bc in line_remap_list: line_remap_list.append(bc) remapped_index = line_remap_list.index(bc) br_cells.append(str(remapped_index)) else: br_cells.append(str(bc)) block_text += ','.join(br_cells) + '\n' block_text += '\n' # board_xy = math.ceil(2 * math.sqrt(num_tiles)) group_x = min(math.ceil(3 * math.sqrt(num_tiles)), self.size[0]) group_y = min(math.ceil(3 * math.sqrt(num_tiles)), self.size[1]) problem_text += f'SIZE {group_x}X{group_y}\n' problem_text += f'BLOCK_NUM {len(g)}\n' problem_text += '\n' problem_text += block_text group_problems.append((problem_text, line_remap_list, block_remap_list)) return group_problems @property def status(self): _status = 'None' if self.problem != '': _status = 'Ready' if len( > 0: _solved_count = 0 _trial_count = 0 for k, v in _trial_count += 1 if v.is_valid_solution(): _solved_count += 1 if _solved_count > 0: _status = f'Solved ({_solved_count}/{_trial_count})' else: _status = f'Tried ({_trial_count})' if not self.best_solution is None: _status = f'Saved' return _status @property def partial_merge_problem(self): text = '' bx, by = self.size bn = len(self.partial_solutions) + len(self.null_blocks) # bn = len(self.partial_solutions) text += f'SIZE {bx}X{by}\n' text += f'BLOCK_NUM {bn}\n' text += '\n' parts = list() part_id = 0 for v in self.partial_solutions: gb = GroupPart(self, v[-1]) text += gb.group_block_text text += '\n' parts.append(gb.get_dict()) part_id += 1 for v in self.null_blocks: nb = NullBlockPart(self, self.blocks[v], part_id) text += nb.nullblock_text text += '\n' parts.append(nb.get_dict()) part_id += 1 return { 'name':, 'size': self.size, 'size_str': self.size_str, 'block_num': bn, 'problem': text, 'group_problems': None, 'merge_problem': True, 'parts': parts, 'status': self.status } def _load_problem(self, path): with open(path, 'r') as fp: q_text = q_lines = q_text.splitlines() board_size = [0, 0] block_num = 0 blocks = dict() tile_num = 0 def intplus(v): if v.isdecimal(): return int(v) else: return v line_number_list = [0] block_to_line = dict() line_to_block = dict() li = 0 while li < len(q_lines): _l = q_lines[li] if "SIZE" in _l: board_size_str = _l.strip().split()[1] board_size = [int(v) for v in board_size_str.split('X')] if 'BLOCK_NUM' in _l: block_num = int(_l.strip().split()[1]) if 'BLOCK#' in _l: p = r'BLOCK#([0-9]+) +([0-9]+)X([0-9]+)' m = re.match(p, _l.strip()) bi = int( bw = int( bh = int( blocks[bi] = { 'index': bi, 'w': bw, 'h': bh, 'cells': list(), 'num_tiles': 0 } num_block_tile = 0 is_null_block = True for _h in range(bh): li += 1 _l = q_lines[li].strip() _block_row = [] for v in _l.split(','): _line_num = intplus(v.strip()) if isinstance(_line_num, int) and _line_num > 0: is_null_block = False # Line number conversion if not _line_num in line_number_list: line_number_list.append(_line_num) # _line_num = line_number_list.index(_line_num) num_block_tile += 1 # Make connection list if not bi in block_to_line: block_to_line[bi] = list() block_to_line[bi].append(_line_num) if not _line_num in line_to_block: line_to_block[_line_num] = list() line_to_block[_line_num].append(bi) elif _line_num == '+': num_block_tile += 1 _block_row.append(_line_num) blocks[bi]['cells'].append(_block_row) blocks[bi]['num_tiles'] = num_block_tile if is_null_block: self.null_blocks.append(bi) tile_num += num_block_tile li += 1 name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] self.size = board_size self.block_num = block_num self.blocks = blocks self.tile_num = tile_num = name self.problem = q_text self.line_numbers = line_number_list self.connection = (line_to_block, block_to_line) self._analyze_block_groups() def _analyze_block_groups(self): traversed_block = list() line_to_block = self.connection[0] block_to_line = self.connection[1] block_groups = list() for b in block_to_line.keys(): if b in traversed_block: continue traverse_block_queue = queue.Queue() traverse_block_queue.put(b) target_group_blocks = list() while not traverse_block_queue.empty(): target_block = traverse_block_queue.get() target_block_lines = block_to_line[target_block] if target_block in traversed_block: continue traversed_block.append(target_block) target_group_blocks.append(target_block) for line in target_block_lines: corresponding_blocks = line_to_block[line] if corresponding_blocks[0] == target_block: next_block = corresponding_blocks[1] else: next_block = corresponding_blocks[0] if next_block in traversed_block: continue else: traverse_block_queue.put(next_block) block_groups.append(target_group_blocks) self.partial_solutions.append(list()) self.block_groups = block_groups def get_dict(self): return { 'name':, 'size': self.size, 'size_str': self.size_str, 'block_num': self.block_num, 'problem': self.problem, 'group_problems': self.group_problem_text, 'status': self.status } def get_d3json(self): return { 'block': self.blocks, 'w': self.size[0], 'h': self.size[1], 'n': self.block_num } def put_solution(self, data): solution = Solution(data) solution_id = solution.get_id() print(f'I: Put a solution: {solution_id}')[solution_id] = solution if solution.status == 'done': outdir = f"{self.solution_path}/{}" if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) problem_path = self.path solution_path = f'{outdir}/tmp-{solution.request_id}-{solution.worker}.txt' with open(solution_path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(solution.solution) BASEDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) NLCHECK = f"{BASEDIR}/../adc2019/server/" exec_cmd = f"python3 {NLCHECK} --Q-file {problem_path} --A-file {solution_path}".strip() print("ADCCLI: {}".format(exec_cmd)) p =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) try: res = float(p.stdout.decode().strip()) except: res = -1 solution.nlcheck = res # Save solution def put_partial_solution(self, data): idx = int(data['part_id']) self.partial_solutions[idx].append(data) outdir = f"{self.solution_path}/{}" if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) outpath = f"{outdir}/part-{data['request_id']}-{data['worker']}-p{data['part_id']}.json".replace(":", ".") with open(outpath, 'w') as fp: json.dump(self.get_dict(), fp, indent=4) if all([len(v)>0 for v in self.partial_solutions]): return True else: return False def save_best_solution(self): best_score = None for k, v in if v.is_valid_solution(): _score = v.score if (best_score is None) or (_score < best_score[1]): best_score = (k, _score) if best_score is not None: solution_name = outpath = f'{self.solution_path}/submit' if not os.path.exists(outpath): os.mkdir(outpath) best_solution_key = best_score[0] with open(f'{outpath}/{solution_name}.txt', 'w') as fp: fp.write([best_solution_key].solution) with open(f'{outpath}/{solution_name}.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump([best_solution_key].get_dict(), fp, indent=4) self.best_solution = best_solution_key def get_solutions(self): return def get_solution(self, solution_id): if solution_id in return[solution_id] else: return None class Solution(object): def __init__(self, data=None, solution_file=None): if not solution_file is None: with open(solution_file, 'r') as fp: data = json.load(fp) self.problem = data['problem'] self.request_id = data['request_id'] self.worker = data['worker'] self.elapsed_time = data['elapsed_time'] self.solution = data['solution'] self.status = data['status'] if 'nlcheck' in data: self.nlcheck = data['nlcheck'] else: self.nlcheck = -1 self.size = (None, None) = None self.block = dict() if solution_file is None: self.timestamp = time.time() self._id = str(uuid.uuid4()) else: self.timestamp = data['timestamp'] self._id = data['id'] self._parse_solution() def _parse_solution(self): if self.status != 'done': return board_size = [0, 0] block_num = 0 _lines = self.solution.splitlines() li = 0 bw, bh = 0, 0 bmap = list() bposition = dict() state = 0 while li < len(_lines): _l = _lines[li].strip() if (state == 0) and ('SIZE' in _l): board_size_str = _l.strip().split()[1] board_solution_size = [int(v) for v in board_size_str.split('X')] bw = board_solution_size[0] bh = board_solution_size[1] for _h in range(bh): li += 1 _l = _lines[li].strip() bmap.append([int(v.strip()) for v in _l.split(',')]) state = 1 if (state == 1) and ('BLOCK' in _l): p = r'BLOCK#([0-9]+) +@\(([0-9]+), *([0-9]+)\)' m = re.match(p, _l.strip()) bi = int( bx = int( by = int( bposition[bi] = { 'index': bi, 'x': bx, 'y': by, } li += 1 self.size = (bw, bh) = bmap self.block = bposition @property def score(self): if self.is_valid_solution(): return self.size[0] * self.size[1] else: return None @property def size_str(self): if self.is_valid_solution(): return f'{self.size[0]}X{self.size[1]}' else: return '-' @property def nlcheck_str(self): return f'{self.nlcheck:.4f}' def is_valid_solution(self): return self.status == 'done' def get_id(self): return self._id def get_dict(self): return { 'id': self._id, 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'request_id': self.request_id, 'worker': self.worker, 'elapsed_time': self.elapsed_time, 'problem': self.problem, 'solution': self.solution, 'status': self.status, 'nlcheck': self.nlcheck } def get_d3json(self): if self.status == 'done': return { 'w': self.size[0], 'h': self.size[1], 'map':, 'block': self.block } else: return { 'w': 0, 'h': 0, 'map': [[]], 'block': dict() } def save(self, basedir): outdir = f"{basedir}/{self.problem}" if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) outpath = f"{outdir}/tmp-{self.request_id}-{self.worker}.json".replace(":", ".") with open(outpath, 'w') as fp: json.dump(self.get_dict(), fp, indent=4) @property def timestamp_str(self): dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( self.timestamp, datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=9))) return dt.strftime('%H:%M:%S.%f') class GroupPart(object): def __init__(self, problem, solution): self.problem = problem self.solution = solution['solution'] self.part_id = solution['part_id'] self.line_map = solution['line_map'] self.block_map = solution['block_map'] self.remap = None self.remap_block = dict() @property def group_block_text(self): data = { 'problem': '', 'request_id': 0, 'worker': 'group', 'elapsed_time': 0, 'solution': self.solution, 'status': 'done' } s = Solution(data) bx, by = s.size text = '' text += f'BLOCK#{self.part_id+1} {bx}X{by}\n' _map = _remap = list() for _r in _remap.append([0 for v in _r]) _remap_block = dict() # ついでにremapもやっておく for _bi, _bv in s.block.items(): bi = self.block_map[_bi] _remap_block[bi] = (_bv['x'], _bv['y']) b = self.problem.blocks[bi] __x = _bv['x'] __y = _bv['y'] for _cy, _cr in enumerate(b['cells']): for _cx, _cc in enumerate(_cr): if _cc != 0: if _cc != '+': _remap[__y+_cy][__x+_cx] = _cc _map[__y+_cy][__x+_cx] = '+' for _y, _r in enumerate(_map): for _x, _c in enumerate(_r): l = _map[_y][_x] if l != 0: if l != '+': _remap[_y][_x] = self.line_map[l] _map[_y][_x] = '+' text += ','.join([str(v) for v in _map[_y]]) text += '\n' self.remap_block = _remap_block self.remap = _remap return text def get_dict(self): return { 'problem': self.group_block_text, 'part_id': self.part_id, 'solution': self.solution, 'line_map': self.line_map, 'block_map': self.block_map, 'remap_block': self.remap_block, 'remap': self.remap } class NullBlockPart(object): def __init__(self, problem, nullblock, part_id): self.problem = problem self.nullblock = nullblock self.part_id = part_id self.remap = None self.remap_block = dict() @property def nullblock_text(self): bx = self.nullblock['w'] by = self.nullblock['h'] text = '' text += f'BLOCK#{self.part_id+1} {bx}X{by}\n' _map = self.nullblock['cells'] _remap = list() for _r in _map: _remap.append([0 for v in _r]) for _y, _r in enumerate(_map): for _x, _c in enumerate(_r): l = _map[_y][_x] if l != 0: if l != '+': _remap[_y][_x] = self.line_map[l] _map[_y][_x] = '+' text += ','.join([str(v) for v in _map[_y]]) text += '\n' self.remap = _remap return text def get_dict(self): bi = self.nullblock['index'] return { 'problem': self.nullblock_text, 'part_id': self.part_id, 'solution': '', 'line_map': [0], 'block_map': [0, bi], 'remap_block': {bi: (0, 0)}, 'remap': self.remap }